COVID-19 has made our lives horrible. You cannot go out and meet your friends. The airline business has been brought to a standstill. You can see people wearing masks everywhere. It has disrupted our day-to-day life. Looking forward to becoming a Data Scientist? Check out the Data Science Course and get certified today.
Doctors are searching for emerging technologies that can help them curb this spread of COVID-19. Artificial intelligence can be helpful here. It can do many things:
Check the spread of COVID-19
Identify patients who are at higher risk of catching the virus
Identify patterns in the spread
Calculate mortality hazard
Identify hotspots for the virus, and much more
Doctors take so much time in discovering drugs because they have to check every composition manually. How can use AI here? AI can run multiple tests within a fraction of a second. It can help us find the possible composition of the mixture. This way, we will be able to speed up the process of vaccine formation. Also, check out this Data Science Training in Chennai to start a career in Data Science.
AI can also be used to track patients. They can monitor the health of patients and inform doctors when the condition deteriorates. It can help in better decision-making and reducing health care costs. Normal people can also use AI to track symptoms of COVID-19. If you know that you are COVID positive, you will restrain from going out, thus preventing the further spread of this virus.
COVID-19 is a global pandemic. We need to learn from the mistakes of each other. If country X makes some mistake, all other countries need to avoid that mistake. Artificial intelligence Course can be used to keep track of steps taken by various governments in tackling this virus. It can also monitor the effectiveness of the steps. This way, we will be able to learn from each other. Become a Data Scientist with 360DigiTMG Data Science Training and placement in Bangalore. Get trained by the alumni from IIT, IIM, and ISB.
The healthcare industry is working day and night to find the vaccine. Many big players have already completed their phase II trial. We are on the last lap of the vaccine formation. Many experts think that artificial intelligence can be used here to make sense of all the data.
The phase III trial is where the vaccine is given to thousands of people to test its effectiveness. This step is very necessary to understand the effectiveness as well as side effects of the vaccine. This phase will result in a lot of data. Manually dealing with this enormous amount of data will take months. If we use AI, we can conclude within days. Want to learn more about data science? Enroll in the Data Science Classes in Pune to do so.
Artificial intelligence can be used for a variety of purposes in these challenging times. We can use it to track patients, monitor recovery and mortality rates, we can identify virus hotspots, we can process data in less time, etc. Artificial intelligence can prove to be a boon that can help us deal with this virus. Technology has entered every phase of our lives, from entertainment to food; everything uses technology. So why not use technology to deal with such a massive pandemic?
A career in data science by enrolling in the Data Science Training in Hyderabad offered by 360DigiTMG. Earn yourself a promising
These are exceptional times. In exceptional time, we need exceptional technology. AI is that exceptional technology. It can help us come out of this pandemic faster and better. We can learn a lot from this pandemic. AI will help us prepare for any such outbreak in the future. This is the time to make the most of the Artificial Intelligence Course in Bangalore.
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360DigiTMG – Data Analytics, Data Science Course Training Hyderabad
2-56/2/19, 3rd floor,, Vijaya towers, near Meridian school,, Ayyappa Society Rd, Madhapur,, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081
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